Pet & Horse

Only the best for our loved ones.

Leiber products are sustainable and beneficial for all pets and horses. Our central goal is to promote the health and well-being of all animals. Optimising feed quality means that feed acceptance, health and animal welfare can be improved on a sustained basis. We continuously develop new products and new uses and applications of our products for household pet and equine nutrition – often in co-operation with research institutions and universities worldwide.
With a high level of technology investment, uncompromising quality standards and an unceasing innovative spirit, Leiber turns a brewery by-product into healthy and sustainable products for household pets and horses.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are primarily designed to:

  • Stabilise the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Provide dietetic and prebiotic mechanisms of action;
  • Adsorb and inactivate harmful bacteria and mycotoxins;
  • Strengthen specific and non-specific immune responses.

Product range
Healthy animals for sustainable management.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast – ‘new’ since 1954! Products change and new products are always being added. There are new markets, new requirements, framework conditions change… That’s all good! Leiber has grown steadily to meet these challenges and that’s probably precisely why it is now more successful than ever. Other things, however, have stayed the same… and that’s a good thing too: all Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products have always stood for healthy quality. The highest standards apply to brewers’ yeast, both during production in breweries and during refinement by Leiber itself. Long before sustainability became a buzzword, Leiber already lived by the maxim ‘There’s no such thing as waste; there are only valuable secondary streams’.

We are building our future on this solid foundation  – with an inquiring mind, passion for innovation and the latest product solutions.

Brewers’ yeast

Brewers’ yeasts are produced for Leiber in breweries in compliance with strict food guidelines and are rich in many valuable, bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients. Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products contain real brewers’ yeast with the polyphenols of the hops that are added during the brewing process. They produce additional antioxidant and bacteriostatic effects and thus complement the well-known beneficial nutritional properties of brewers’ yeast.

Roller-dried Leiber Brewer’s Yeast®

Spray-dried Leiber Brewer’s Yeast®

Schematic representation of Brewers‘ Yeast cell

Brewers’ yeast fibre products

Leiber YeaFi® products are a unique combination of brewers’ yeast and functional fibre carriers. The successful recipe has existed unchanged since 1954. The brewers’ yeast is sprayed onto the fibre carrier in liquid form and dried without contact. This gentle process protects the product from demixing after handling and transport, removes the hygroscopic properties of the brewers’ yeast and increases its palatability.

Leiber YeaFi® BT: inactivated Brewers’ yeast bound to brewers´ grains – successful and traditionally good

Leiber YeaFi® BW: inactivated Brewers’ yeast bound to wheat bran

Leiber YeaFi® BTR: inactivated Brewers’ yeast bound to brewer’s grains and unmelted beet pulp

Leiber YeaFi® AB: inactivated Brewers’ yeast bound to apple pomace and unmelted beet pulp

Leiber YeaFi® Viking Pro: inactivated Brewers’ yeast bound to DDGS (Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles)


An hydrolyse process developed by Leiber gently perforates the yeast cell walls and the inside of the cell emerges. Hydrolysates combine in one product the positive effects of beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) from the cell wall with the natural components of the cell interior, like peptides, free amino acids and nucleotides.

Mannan oligosaccharides (MOS)

Yeast cell wall products consist of the complete cell wall layers of brewers’ yeast (100% Saccharomyces cerevisiae), obtained by centrifugation after biotechnological disruption of the yeast cells. During this process, mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and beta-glucans accumulate and specifically active segments of the cell wall are released. The biological activity, for example specific surface structure, is retained.

Biolex® MB40

Biolex® MB40 agglomerated

Schematic representation of cell components (cell wall / cell interior)

Beta glucans

β-1,3-1,6 glucan molecules are natural components of the yeast cell wall (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). A particularly gentle process developed by Leiber detaches the beta-glucans from the cell wall complex of brewers’ yeast. In this way, the native structure of the molecules and thus their biological activity is retained much better than in conventional methods.

Schematic representation of cell components (cell wall / cell interior)

Yeast extracts

Using a particularly gentle process developed by Leiber, the soluble cell interior (yeast extracts) is released and detached from its natural yeast cell wall connection. Only in this way can the individual components develop their full flavour.


Nature and science.

Leiber brewer’s yeast products always have a positive effect on the animal. The promotion of the health and well-being of pets and horses is a central point in the development of the products.



With dietetic and prebiotic mechanisms of action and their concentration of valuable and highly bioavailable active ingredients and other ingredients, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products sustainably support animals’ digestive processes.


Product recommendations:

Leiber® Brewers’ Yeast (Interyeast®/Interyeast® Vital), Leiber YeaFi®, CeFi® pro

Immune system

Immune system

Animals’ immune system is their best protection against negative environmental influences. Pathogens or toxins impair the health of animals, which can lead to malaise, performance dips or severe, sometimes chronic disease processes. Our highly purified beta-glucans offer optimal solutions to promote the immune system and strengthen the natural defences of all animals.


Product recommendations:

Leiber® Beta-S, Biolex® MB40

Gut health

Gut health

Gut health is of paramount importance, as the digestive tract of animals is considered to be one of the main routes of infection. Intestinal protection is active immune protection, because approx. 70% of immune cells are located in the lymphatic intestinal tissue (GALT – gut-associated lymphoid tissue). Prebiotic ingredients in inactivated yeast products serve as a substrate for the intestinal microbiome and thus effectively influence the animal’s digestive and absorption processes.


Product recommendations:

Biolex® MB40, CeFi® pro



Changing environmental conditions or feed quality don’t always have a positive effect on animals’ metabolism. Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products aren’t just a natural source of protein and vitamin B, they also contain a large number of valuable active ingredients and other ingredients that promote the metabolism.


Product recommendations:

CeFi® pro, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast (Interyeast®/Interyeast® Vital), Leiber YeaFi®



With a large number of valuable ingredients, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products effectively support the resilience and fitness of animals, as well as reproductive, breeding and rearing success.


Product recommendations:

Leiber YeaFi®



Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products support animals’ vitality, fitness and longevity and thus make relevant performance parameters like growth, feed conversion, milk production or body mass gain more effectively achievable.


Product recommendations:

Leiber YeaFi®, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast (Interyeast®/ Interyeast® Vital), CeFi® pro

Nutrients and active ingredients

Nutrients and active ingredients

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are more than just protein carriers. They are characterised by their high levels of bioactive ingredients like beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides in the cell walls and nutrients like free amino acids, vitamin B complexes, minerals and trace elements.


Product recommendations:

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast (Interyeast®/Interyeast® Vital), CeFi® pro, YeaFi®

Hooves/paws, skin & coat

Hooves/paws, skin & coat

Inactivated brewers’ yeast supplies the skin’s metabolism naturally. In particular, the naturally high levels of biotin, folic acid and copper, combined with the positive influences on digestion, have a lasting beneficial effect on claw, hoofs, paws, coat and skin health.


Product recommendations:

YeaFi®, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast (Interyeast®/ Interyeast® Vital)



Inactivated and autolysed yeasts and yeast extracts have long been used as natural flavour enhancers. They not only perform nutritional and other special functions within the recipes, but also cause a sustained improvement in acceptance and feed intake.


Product recommendations:
NuTaste®, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast (Interyeast®/ Interyeast® Vital)

Animal welfare

Animal welfare

Ensuring animal welfare is becoming increasingly important in society. Only animals with intact immune and digestive systems can grow in a healthy and sustainable way and develop their full potential. Healthy and fit animals require fewer drugs and veterinary treatments.


Product recommendations:
Leiber Brewers’ Yeast®, Interyeast®, Interyeast® Vital, Leiber YeaFi®, Biolex® MB40, Leiber® Beta-S, Leiber NuTaste®, CeFi® pro


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