Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are always a safe and valuable nutritional supplement for horses, ponies and donkeys, with many advantages in terms of longevity, health and well-being. In co-operation with research institutions and universities worldwide, Leiber is continuously developing new and innovative uses and applications. Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are completely inactivated. Whether whole yeast cells, combined with functional fibre carriers, yeast cell wall components (MOS), highly purified beta-glucans or extracts from the cell interior; and in the form of classic pellets, mueslis, mineral feed, bowls, special products or treats… Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products always provide effective solutions for the extremely complex and diverse horse feed market.

Horse product range
Effective product solutions for the horse feed market.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast®

For horse whisperers and other sharp minds.

Good to know: Leiber Brewers’ Yeast® unextracted, Leiber Interyeast® or Leiber Interyeast® Vital – the raw material for Leiber Brewers’ yeast products is sustainably produced in breweries in compliance with strict food guidelines. Using modern processes, some of which were developed by us in-house, inactivated brewers’ yeast is refined in such a way that it’s perfect for use in equine nutrition.

You define your requirements; Leiber offers the right solutions. Roller-dried, spray-dried, debittered or as ‘tablet grade’, in feed or food quality: the choice is yours! The raw material is equally valuable in all applications: it’s rich in many highly bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients like proteins, amino acids, B vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Like all real brewers’ yeasts, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products contain the polyphenols (alpha and beta acids) of the hops that are added during the brewing process. The ingredients of hops have additional antioxidant and bacteriostatic effects and are thus the ideal complement to the beneficial nutritional properties of brewers’ yeast in horse feeding.


Leiber Brewers’ Yeast® unextracted for your products:

  • Optimal bioavailability of nutrients and active ingredients
  • Supports digestion and gut health
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Increases resistance to stressful and demanding situations
  • Improves the quality of skin and coat
  • Improves hoof quality and supports regeneration, for example after laminitis

Roller-dried Leiber Brewer’s Yeast®

Spray-dried Leiber Brewer’s Yeast®

Leiber YeaFi®

The recipe for success for your products.

Leiber YeaFi® – this unique combination of inactivated brewers’ yeast with high-fibre and nutritionally valuable functional fibre carriers like spent grains, unmolassed beet pulp or apple pomace has been produced without changes since 1954 according to the original recipe and has proven itself time and again on the market, in particular in horse feeding.

Leiber YeaFi® is equally well suited as an integrated part of your product formulation and as your own ready-to-use commercial product. Because it’s just so easy to use!
In addition, your horse feed brand could benefit from the brand awareness of Leiber YeaFi®.


Leiber YeaFi® for your products:

  • Improves acceptance thanks to the structure and tasty fruity flavours
  • Contains dietetic and prebiotic active ingredients and nutrients
  • Better energy yield from the feed by activating microbial conversion processes
  • General improvement in the body constitution (BCS – Body Condition Score)
  • Promotes coat quality, shiny coat, change of coat, and in the long term, hoof quality
  • Positive effect on performance, rideability and long-term muscle building
  • Easy handling, dosing and storage
  • Well suited as a carrier for small doses or components that are not very palatable
  • Well suited as a ready-to-use commercial product

Special recommendations for use in horse feeding:

Leiber YeaFi® BT: inactivated brewers’ yeast bound to spent grains – in a quality that has been tried and tested worldwide.

Leiber YeaFi® AB: inactivated brewers’ yeast bound to unmolassed beet pulp and apple pomace – the alternative with grain-free carrier components.

Custom-made products with other fibre carriers like wheat bran are available on request, also as finely ground variants.

Biolex® MB40

Prebiotic. Promotes health.

Leiber Biolex® MB40 is characterised by its naturally high levels of beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and a special surface structure with associated high adsorption power.

The positive effects on the health of animals, including horses, ponies and donkeys, have been scientifically proven many times over. In particular, the microbiome (prebiotic effect), the immune system and the activity in binding pathogens and mycotoxins are strengthened.

For Leiber Biolex® MB40, the yeast cell walls are separated from the cell interior (yeast extract) in a complex production process. For example, in the production of soluble brewers’ yeast extracts, yeast cell walls are obtained as a further secondary stream and further refined in a sustainable manner.


Leiber Biolex® MB40 for your products:

  • Prebiotic effects on the intestinal microbiome
  • Stimulates the activity of health-promoting micro-organisms in the large intestine
  • Increases the production of SCFA (short-chain fatty Acids) significantly
  • Displaces potential pathogens and binds mycotoxins and alkaloids
  • Supports and relieves the immune system, in particular the intestinal immune system (GALT – gut-associated lymphoid tissue)
  • Positive effect on inflammatory markers (interleukins) and faecal consistency

Biolex® MB40

Biolex® MB40 agglomerated

Representation of the mechanisms of action Biolex® MB40

Leiber® Beta-S

Highly pure beta-glucans for strong defences.

Owing to its high purity, Leiber® Beta-S is suitable for effective and sustainable relief for animals’ metabolism and immune system. In a complex process, yeast cell walls and the cell interior (yeast extract) are separated and the mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) and beta-glucans from the yeast cell wall are concentrated. In a particularly gentle production process developed in-house, the beta-glucan molecules are released from the yeast cell wall complex, while preserving the native structure of the beta-glucans and thus their biological activity. This ensures the unique level of efficiency of the immune-activating and immune-modulating effect during intestinal transit.


Leiber ® Beta-S for your products:

  • Improves specific and non-specific defence mechanisms
  • Has a positive effect on inflammatory markers (interleukins)
  • Shows positive effects on weight-induced insulin resistance
  • Shows positive effects in reducing chronic inflammation
  • Promotes colostrum quality and immune competence in particular of newborn and young animals
  • Supports recovery and regeneration phases

Presentation of the main mechanisms of action of Leiber® Beta-S

  1. Uptake of ß-glucans from the gut lumen via M cells and phagocytosis by macrophages (or also via dendritic cells)
  2. Activation of macrophages increases phagocytosis and the release of reactive oxygen and nitrogen radicals (oxidative burst), antimicrobial peptides and lysozyme increased combat of pathogens
  3. Release of cytokines and chemokines recruits more immune cells. Macrophages present antigenic structures to T and B cells, causing B cells to subsequently produce antibodies
  4. Activated macrophages migrate to organs of the immune system where they break down the ß-glucans into smaller fragments
  5. In the organs of the immune system (bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes), these ß-glucan fragments and cytokines are released, activating other immune cells such as granulocytes and NK and T cells

CeFi® pro

Best values in bioavailability!

CeFi® pro can be used in a variety of ways, but is particularly suitable for special products that are used for feeding young animals, older or chronically ill animals. The reason for this is that the autolysed yeasts in CeFi® pro are more or less pre-digested, making the valuable nutrients much more readily available to the animal.

A particularly gentle autolysis process enables CeFi® pro to combine the positive effects of beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) in the cell wall with the natural components of the cell interior like peptides, free amino acids and nucleotides in one product.


CeFi® pro for your products:

  • Stimulates positive health-promoting micro-organisms in the large intestine
  • Supports the development and integrity of intestinal tissue
  • Lowers pro-inflammatory markers of inflammation


Horse owners have high demands –

we offer effective solutions!



Keeps digestion trotting along smoothly.

With their high levels of valuable and highly bioavailable active ingredients and nutrients as well as dietetic and prebiotic mechanisms of action, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products support digestive processes in horses and ponies in a natural and sustainable way.

An intact digestive system not only enables efficient energy and nutrient absorption, but also helps to relieve stress on the metabolism, improves the immune response and increases resistance to stress. The more stable the digestive tract, the less susceptible the animal is to disorders like colic or chronic diseases like watery stools. All horse owners want their animal to have a long and healthy life. A horse-friendly diet boosted by Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products ensures that all vital functions can work optimally.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Increase appetite and thus total feed intake, in particular of forage
  • Promote biological balance of the intestinal microbiome, in particular fibrinolytic bacteria
  • Increase energy production due to formation of SCFA (short-chain fatty acids)
  • Contribute to reducing digestive disorders like flatulence, diarrhoea or watery stools
  • Promote optimal body constitution (BCS – Body Condition Score)
  • Support the immune system, in particular the gut-associated immune system (GALT – gut-associated lymphoid tissue)

Immune system

Immune system

Feed the immune system.

With Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products, your animals’ immune system can be effectively strengthened – simply through diet.

Negative environmental influences, for example from inappropriate accommodation, nutrient deficiencies, high infection risk or chronic diseases can throw the immune system out of balance.
Yeast cell walls (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) have naturally high levels of immune-stimulating and immune-modulating beta-glucans. In a particularly gentle production process, the glucan molecules are extracted from the yeast cell wall complex, while preserving the native structure of the beta-glucans and thus their biological activity. This ensures a unique level of efficiency during intestinal transit, which relieves and promotes the animals’ metabolism and immune system in the long term. Together with the RNA components of brewers’ yeast like nucleotides, pyrimidine and purine bases, they relieve the immune system directly. Brewers’ yeast products also promote gut health through additional prebiotic and dietetic mechanisms. Intestinal protection is active immune protection, since 70% of immune cells are found in lymphatic intestinal tissue (GALT – gut-associated lymphoid tissue).


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Improve specific and non-specific immune responses
  • Positive effect on pro- and anti-inflammatory interleukins (inflammatory markers)
  • Support resistance in stressful situations like transport, competition or changing stables
  • Shorten the regeneration and recovery phase after disease
  • Support the vaccination effect (adjuvant effect)
  • Promote the immune competence of newborns

Gut health

Gut health

Good health begins in the gut!

The brewers’ yeast and yeast derivatives in Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are perfect for daily and, above all, species-appropriate equine nutrition. From fibre-rich products to functional specialist products: the prebiotic ingredients of inactivated yeast products (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) serve as a substrate for the intestinal microbiome and thus effectively influence the animal’s digestive and absorption processes.

Protection of the gut is also always active immune protection. Around 70% of immune cells are located in the lymphatic intestinal tissue (GALT – gut-associated lymphoid tissue). The targeted promotion of gut health is therefore essential for a healthy, long life and maximum animal welfare. Yeast cell walls in particular are characterised by their naturally high levels of immune-stimulating beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) with a prebiotic effect. In Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products, the native structure of yeast products and thus their high biological activity is retained, which enables the unique level of efficiency during intestinal transit.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Promote the biological balance of the intestinal microbiome
  • Increase nutrient absorption capacity
  • Reduce fermentation errors and have a positive effect on digestive disorders like flatulence or diarrhoea
  • Relieve the metabolism, in particular in the case of metabolic diseases like Cushing’s (ECD), equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) or laminitis
  • Improve stress resistance, for example when changing stables, transport or competition
  • Strengthen the immune system, in particular the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)



Fine-tuning the metabolism!

Because many horses and ponies today suffer from sometimes chronic metabolic disorders, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are more valuable than ever.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products contain a multitude of valuable and highly bioavailable active ingredients and other ingredients – including proteins, essential amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements, all of which have positive effects on the metabolism. This applies in particular to liver metabolism as so-called metabolic activators. The dietetic and prebiotic mechanisms of action of brewers’ yeast promote microbial conversion processes in the large intestine. The resulting metabolites, for example propionate and butyrate, contribute to improved energy supply and gut health. Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products support the metabolism naturally and make animals more resistant to all kinds of stress factors.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Improve total forage intake, in particular basic forage like hay and straw
  • Increase nutrient absorption capacity
  • Promote the biological balance of the intestinal microbiome, in particular with rations that are rich in starch or poor in structure
  • Activate microbial conversion processes (SCFA – short-chain fatty acid production)
  • Displace potentially pathogenic germs and bind mycotoxins and alkaloids
  • Stimulate and relieve, especially in the case of liver metabolism



More fitness and performance.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are so much more than natural protein sources. They contain many valuable nutrients and active ingredients with high bioavailability, such as the essential amino acids lysine and methionine, antioxidants like glutathione, B-complex vitamins, folic acid, niacin or biotin and trace elements like selenium, chromium or copper.

All these ingredients are important for species- and performance-appropriate feeding of horses, ponies and donkeys of all ages. Nerve cells, for example, require large amounts of B vitamins for their regeneration. A deficiency in B vitamins can also lead to unwanted restlessness and nervousness. By adding Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products to the feed, you effectively strengthen the resilience, performance and fitness of your animals.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Increase absorption of highly bioavailable nutrients and active ingredients
  • Stimulate microbial conversion processes and thus the energy yield from the feed
  • Improve general body constitution (BCS – Body Condition Score)
  • Improve resistance to stressful situations, for example during transport and competition
  • Support regeneration and recovery phases
  • Promote rideability and general performance



Perfect for breeding and rearing.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products can influence fertility positively in an effective way. Many factors – like poor sperm quality, cycle problems or problems during pregnancy, delivery or rearing – can negatively affect breeding success. Performance- and needs-based feeding is critical for reproductive success. In addition to an optimal supply of all nutrients, this includes an optimal BCS – Body Condition Score – and prevention of metabolic and digestive disorders.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products offer high-fibre, prebiotic or dietetic components, as well as a large number of valuable, high-bioavailability nutrients and active ingredients – for example proteins, essential amino acids like lysine and methionine, vitamins like folic acid, niacin or biotin and trace elements like selenium or copper. All of this makes Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products the best choice for breeding and rearing horses, ponies and donkeys.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Increase fertility and reproduction rate
  • Improve appetite and total feed intake, in particular forage
  • Increase intake of highly bioavailable nutrients and active ingredients
  • Improve general nutritional status (BCS – Body Condition Score)
  • Improve foetal development and higher birth weight
  • Better vitality and immune competence of newborn and young animals

Animal welfare

Animal welfare

Because animal welfare is important!

Healthy and species-appropriate feeding is critical for animal welfare. Here, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products have a variety of scientifically proven positive effects on digestion, gut health, the immune system and the metabolism of animals. This allows horses, ponies and donkeys to grow in a healthy and sustainable way and develop and maintain their full performance potential in the best possible health. Animals kept according to high animal welfare standards are less stressed, healthier and require fewer drug or veterinary treatments.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Better supply of important nutrients and active ingredients
  • Support and promote the biological balance of the intestinal microbiome
  • Suitable for all life phases, from young animals to older or chronically ill animals
  • Improve specific and non-specific immune responses
  • Activate the metabolism of skin and coat
  • Improve overall appearance

Skin and coat

Skin and coat

Helps improve skin and coat.

If a previously dull coat starts shining again after a short time, shedding is completed at a faster rate even by older animals and flaky skin regenerates quickly, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products may be the reason.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast contains many valuable ingredients like proteins and B vitamins. They support the energy supply, activate skin metabolism, promote coat growth through biotin and folic acid and strengthen the immune system and the metabolism in general. They contain many different components, in particular essential amino acids and a wide variety of minerals and trace elements like copper, zinc or the free radical scavenger selenium. Added to this are the beneficial effects of brewers’ yeast on digestion, gut health and the immune system. All of this can be seen to shining effect in the coat!


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Positive effect on skin health and coat quality
  • Thick and healthy coat
  • Glossier coat
  • Support shedding
  • Improve overall appearance, in particular in older horses or those with PPID (Pituiary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction)

Nutrients and active ingredients

Nutrients and active ingredients

More horsepower for your products!

If you want to use Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for your marketing, go ahead! There are plenty of reasons to do so: inactivated brewers’ yeast has always been known in equine nutrition for its valuable ingredients like proteins or B-complex vitamins. This is just an excerpt from a long list of advantages that Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products offer: the general energy supply is supported, skin metabolism is activated, coat growth is stimulated by biotin and folic acid, the immune system is strengthened and, in general, the metabolism is relieved.

Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products contain many amino acids, in particular essential amino acids – important building blocks for muscle and cell development – and a wide variety of minerals and trace elements like copper, zinc and the free radical scavenger selenium. They also belong to the real brewers’ yeasts, because they contain the polyphenols (alpha and beta acids) of the hops that are added during the brewing process. These have additional antioxidant and bacteriostatic effects. Finally, Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are also characterised by their high levels of bioactive ingredients like immune-stimulating beta-glucans and prebiotic mannan oligosaccharides (MOS).
Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products are therefore a real recipe for success!


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Enhance feed with natural bioactive nutrients
  • Have known positive effect on skin, coat and hooves
  • Added value through a variety of bioactive ingredients like polyphenols, fibre, beta-glucans and mannan oligosaccharides (MOS)
  • Suitable for almost all forms of application and use



Does good! Smooth running!

The inactivated yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products supply the metabolism of hooves naturally with many important essential amino acids and B vitamins with high bioavailability. The high levels of biotin, copper and zinc, combined with the positive influences on digestion, have a lasting positive effect on hoof quality and hoof regeneration.

Brittle, soft or cracked hooves or cracks in the horn usually indicate either a deficiency or an excess of certain nutrients. Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products help you ensure a healthy balance. After all, only healthy hooves can bear their own body weight as well as additional loads.


Advantages of Leiber Brewers’ Yeast products for feeding horses, ponies and donkeys:

  • Better supply of important nutrients and active ingredients
  • Support and promote the biological balance of the intestinal microbiome
  • Promote hoof growth and thus hoof quality in the long term
  • Support hoof regeneration, e.g. after laminitis

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