Heimtier & Pferd
The site for you and your horse

The horse feed market is growing due to the increasing horse population worldwide. Especially the market for health related supplements and treats. Brewers’ yeast is a tried and tested feed ingredient with a long tradition in horse feeding and many benefits such as promoting digestion, skin, hoof, coat and metabolism, as well as fertility. However, the yeast market is becoming increasingly confusing.


Yeasts, live yeasts, double fermented and cultured or real brewers’ yeasts. Probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics – what are they and how do they differ?


You can now find out more about the production, yeast differences, effects and practical use of Leiber® brewers’ yeast and Leiber YeaFi® products for horses at: leiber-pferd.de/en .


The site offers lots of information and downloads for you – also included a distribution list.


Leiber brewers’ yeast products – Only the best for our loved ones.

New on: eiber-pferd.de/en

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