Since the beginning of 2023, Leiber has been a member of the BalPro Association for Alternative Protein Sources (“Verband für alternative Proteinquellen”).
On 30 January, 2023, BalPro made the official announcement that Leiber is a new member of the association. Our company was featured on the BalPro website and on social networks such as LinkedIn.
Why has Leiber joined BalPro?
Based on the idea that “differentiating beats ideologising”, BalPro is an independent platform of companies, start-ups, politics and research institutes that form a network for exchanging branch-specific expertise on all matters relating to alternative proteins.
The exciting feature here is that the association members themselves act within the entire value chain of alternative proteins, thus forming a network of experts from a wide range of fields, who are able to find answers to complex questions.
At Leiber, we see the topic of alternative proteins as a key technology and are therefore convinced that being a member of BalPro and benefitting from the associated exchange of information and open dialogue within the companies will make an important contribution to furthering the economic development of alternative proteins and allow Leiber to strengthen its interests and position in the various markets.
We recognise numerous opportunities for constructive and transparent dialogue with many of the association members and for developing relationships with new and existing customers and project partners.
About Leiber:
Leiber refines brewers’ yeast to produce innovative products for humans and animals. For our customers we carry out research in our own laboratories and develop tailor-made product solutions for healthy nutrition, biotechnology and agricultural applications. We reliably supply excellent products – and have been upcycling at world-market level since 1954.