Leiber’s appearance at the Vitafoods trade fair in Geneva was focused on Yestimun® beta-glucan for stimulating and modulating the immune system. Leiber presented its wide range of Interyeast® Vital Brewers’ Yeast products with a high vitamin B content at Europe’s biggest nutraceuticals trade fair. In mid-May, this was where 150,000 experts from 130 countries met up to network, to identify market trends and to find out about new product developments.
The new Yestimun® website also went live right on time at the start of the trade fair (www.yestimun.de). Here, product developers can obtain information on Yestimun®’s functions and the applications for which Brewers’ Yeast beta-glucan can be sensibly used. The website offers consumers answers concerning the Yestimun® brand, which is also listed as an ingredient on end consumer packaging.
About Leiber:
Leiber refines brewers’ yeast to produce innovative products for humans and animals. For our customers we carry out research in our own laboratories and develop tailor-made product solutions for healthy nutrition, biotechnology and agricultural applications. We reliably supply excellent products – and have been upcycling at world-market level since 1954.